Tag Archives: Thinking

One of those chess moments;sparring,easy playing,wearing animal skins,old swords.Dude comes through claiming to have killed kings,shiny armour,shield,sword,challenge accepted,stretching hoping for a big match,opening moves,flex,flex his head unexpectedly chopped off.Moment of pause,disappointment,what happened to all the fallen kings,or were their castles made of sand

Chess moments

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Nature’s so good at what she does, in her minimalist whims,she can even create creature that fully function,but are made of 98% water.


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The big bang theory,universal inflation theory,backround radiation lead to the scientific conclusion that the universe as we know it is finite.
And if we consider the universe finite,then other conditions of infinity fail.
Infinitly fast would break through the fabric of the universe,infinitly small would fall through it,infinitly large would surpass it,and many others.
Infinity may be theoreticaly justifiable,but how do we logically justify a concept that has conditions that may be contrary to the universe as we know it?

Questioning Infinity

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There seems to be a lot of intelectuals who are looking down on religion knower days, calling it the poor mans opium, the land of the uninlightened and the such.
But these people fail to remember or dont realise that almost if not all of the worlds great civilizations where backboned by a religion,a worship in a god or gods.The Mayans,Egyptians, Greeks, Sumerians, to name a few all belived in a god or gods.And the adoration of these deities produced some of the greatest architectural, artistic,philosophical, and literary works in all the history of mankind.
The pyramids of Egypt,a vast amount of Rennaisance art, the concept of infinity, seasonal and lunar calenders, the Mayan pyramids, almost all of primative art,stonehenge,the list goes on.
Regardless of wether he exists or not,God has always been the greatest source of mans inspiration and imagination.

The patron god

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